Monday, September 27, 2010

Email Marketing – But Not As We Know It!

By Louise McDonnell, 2Market
Okay first things first, I’m not referring to sending hundreds of emails using Outlook or Outlook Express (or whatever mail server you’re using). Even if you are smart enough to be using the BCC option. No – in fact, Email Marketing is much more powerful than that. And the good news is it’s cheap as chips and very effective.

So what is it? Well – there are special applications you can use online which allow you to send emails to targeted lists. Emails will not be treated as spam by your recipients’ mail server – so already that’s an advantage. But the main benefit of using these packages is that the actions of the recipients can be tracked. So you’ll be able to see, who opened your email, how many times they opened it, if they clicked any of the links from your email to your website and what links they clicked.

Think about it – you send this email to a few hundred addresses, who are you going to follow up first? Pick out the recipients who opened your email the most. And if you’ve been pitching a few products – you’ll even be able to tell which product they were interested in by reviewing links they have clicked.

It’s no wonder that email remains the most popular online promotional format for Irish Marketers, according to the second Online Marketing Sentiment Survey conducted by AMAS among members of the Marketing Institute f Ireland (MII).

So where does 2Market come in... well, we can help with creating email content which will have maximum impact, setting up the campaign, seeing it through to delivery and monitoring the results. We can also update your website to ensure your email campaign has the greatest impact. Sound interesting – Call Louise McDonnell on 096 37777 or feel free to fill out an online enquiry form at

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